Purpose of Our Life
… to give glory to God in total surrender through our profession. We are called to live the Paschal Mystery and to witness to the redeeming love of Christ.
(Const. 104, 102)
Goal of Our Missionary Service
… to bring the Good News that God became human in Jesus who redeemed the whole world with his Precious Blood. (Const. 502)
Wherever we are, we gladly spend ourselves so that Christ’s love can permeate all those areas in society and culture which hinder the growth of the Kingdom of God and disregard respect for human dignity. We strive to be a prophetic sign against the false values of society. (Const. 503)
We actively promote a culture that respects life. In all our ministries especially to the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized, we continue the compassionate love of the healing Christ. (Const. 506)
We offer our pastoral and social services to all people irrespective of religion, race, nationality or social standing. (Const. 504)
According to the wish of our founder, we focus on the family apostolate and the holistic education of children and youth. We support women in their needs and difficulties and act with them against all forms of oppression so as to promote their dignity. (Const. 505)
(Artwork above designed by Sr. Johanna Senn CPS and created by Mr. Reinhard Kammerer)

“If no one goes, I go.”
“As members of the one body of Christ, we appreciate the different ministries of the sisters as having equal value. All our ministries are carried out in the name of the Congregation.”
(Const. 510)

“For any work to become divine service, it must be taken up with pure intention and performed with conscientiousness and care.” (Inner Spirit) “You are a letter from Christ written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God.” (2 Corinthians 3:3) Photos
Agricultural Work
“Creation is not some possession that we can lord over for our own pleasure; nor, even less, is it the property of only some people, the few: creation is a gift, it is the marvelous gift that God has given us, so that we will take care of it and harness it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude.” (Pope Francis, General Audience, 21 May 2014) Photos
Domestic Work
“In the light of faith, a sister should endeavor to regard everything as the concern and property of God. If she is in charge of domestic duties in the convent, she should bear in mind that she is cooking, sewing, washing etc. for God’s family. If she is in charge of the garden or some other work outside, she likewise administers God’s property.” (Inner Spirit) Photos
We minister to the needs of students, families and co-workers at all levels of education. Photos
We care for the sick and frail in hospitals, clinics and dispensaries, people with disabilities in rehabilitation centers and homes, and the elderly in nursing and retirement homes. “Wherever we are, it must be evident that we are moved by that love which urged Christ to empty himself and shed his blood for us. We are missionaries everywhere.” (Const. 514) Photos
“Pray and Work” shall be the irrevocable principle of a Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood.
She will be conscientious in any activity assigned to her, such that even her work will become a continuous worship of God.”
(Inner Spirit)
Liturgical Art and Service
“Mary served Jesus in humility and modesty. Let us endeavor to imitate her inner sentiments.” (Inner Spirit)
90 years Liturgical Vestment Department Neuenbeken and The Liturgical Vestment Department Mariannhill
Music, Arts and Crafts
“There is no talent too humble or too high for the service of God.” (Abbot Francis Pfanner) Photos
Pastoral Care
We work in parishes, episcopal conferences and run retreat centers. We also provide chaplaincy services, pastoral counselling, spiritual direction, accompany the dying and journey with the bereaved. Teaching catechism classes, facilitating Bible study and RCIA groups and conducting various pastoral programs are also part of our ministry. Photos
Prayer Apostolate
“In sickness and aging, we continue our mission by accepting our suffering and limitations with patience and love. Thus, in a special way we continue the missionary service of the Church and invoke the blessings of the Precious Blood on our Congregation and all missionary activity.” (Const. 513) “Through zealous prayer and quiet sacrifice, the elderly and ill sisters also contribute to our renewal.” (Mother Paula Emunds) Photos
Social Work
“Jesus did not simply let the poor listen to him, but he went out to seek them.” (Abbot Francis Pfanner) We serve the needs of street children and orphans, migrants and refugees, prisoners and victims of human trafficking, the disadvantaged and the vulnerable. We are engaged in various projects and are grateful for the support of many donors and charitable agencies to help us in mission. Photos
“A missionary sister should always be convinced that God knows best where she can do most for God’s glory.”
(Inner Spirit)
“All for and with God!”
Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
“Our Precious Blood Spirituality challenges us to become instruments of reconciliation, justice and peace and to preserve the integrity of creation.”
At a time when apartheid was still enforced in South Africa, Abbot Francis Pfanner fought against all forms of segregation. He said: “One has to show them that they are equal and as valuable to God as we are. Therefore, I do not approve of the differentiation of the human races, as if their value before God (and before others) depended upon the colour of their skin.” As Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood, our charism is to live the Paschal Mystery and to witness to the redeeming love of Christ. We are called to participate courageously in Christ’s redemptive work and actively promote a culture that respects life. In our ministries to the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalised, we continue the compassionate love of the healing Christ”. (Const. 506)
According to the wish of our Founder, wherever the Sisters serve, we strive to strengthen the dignity of women with a special focus on the girl child. In our apostolates, we inculcate JPIC values and “offer our pastoral and social services to all people irrespective of religion, race, nationality or social standing. Interreligious dialogue is an essential part of our mission.” (Const. 504)

The Sisters care for the environment through biofarming and responsible use of land. “Everything is related, and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage, woven together by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fond affection with brother sun, sister moon, brother river and mother earth.” (Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ #92)
We collaborate with: JPIC Commissions – Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) – Network Africa Germany (NAD) – Caritas – Sant’Egidio Community

We regard creation as a gift filled with God’s spirit and created for God’s praise.
We support a culture which respects life, preserves creation and uses the world’s natural resources responsibly. (Const. 218)
Laudato Si’ Congregational Action Plan
Laudato Si’ See Judge Act (Sr. Ingrid Geissler, CPS)

Laudato Si’ Roll-Out Plan
Laudato Si – Mozambique Region 2021
Laudato Si – Sikhethimpilo – Zimbabwe-Zambia Province 2021
5th Level of Sustainability – Relationship with Creation (Sr. Anna Vera Kittel, CPS)