Leadership Team of the DR Congo Region (March 2019)

The Congo, which is geographically the biggest country in Africa, was a Belgian Colony until 1960 when it received its independence. It is potentially one of the richest countries on earth, but colonialism, slavery and corruption have turned it into one of the poorest. The world’s bloodiest conflict since World War II is still rumbling on today despite efforts to effect a ceasefire. French is the official language, but the following languages are also recognized: Lingala, Kikongo, Kiswahili and Chiluba.

The CPS went to Congo in 1898 and established communities in Bamanya, Bokuma, Ibonga, Mpaku and Boteka in the interior Province of Equateur.  They dedicated themselves to the education of women and pastoral work.  Much later, a community was established in Kinshasa where the Sisters bought a house in order to have a place for those travelling outside the country, those needing medical attention and the students.  Due to lack of personnel, the Sisters withdrew from all the other stations except Bamanya.  At present, we have two communities in Bamanya and the other in Kinshasa.
Plans are underway to establish a third community.


As we embrace the Synodal Journey from 2021 to 2023, let us invite the Holy Spirit to be at work in us so that we may be a community and a people of grace. 
